Month: July 2021

DAISY, DAISY… give me your answer do

My grandmother was called Daisy. She grew up in a time where old-fashioned flower names were in vogue, and when it felt like every meadow was bursting with daisy chains just waiting to be made. How fitting that the English daisy (Bellis perennis) symbolises innocence and that these blooms were often paired with primroses as…
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HARM OR HEAL… now there’s a question?

Living with an 11-month Maine Coon kitten, Walter, who experiences his world by chasing and tasting everything in his path, makes you very aware of what’s an accident just waiting to happen! Yesterday, relaxing with my book, with Walter bouncing around the meadow lawn ‘insect bothering’, I noticed a little plant growing in a patio…
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THE ‘M’ WORD… make it personal!

I’m glad to see that menopause is making it in to the mainstream and that real conversations are happening about something that – quite frankly – shouldn’t be a taboo! After a very long wait, I finally got to meet menopause face-to-face this year, and it’s a slippery little sucker. It tripped me up –…
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